Messages de Fidelis


    "In 2012, a group of 9 influential, international NGOs plus 9 regional representatives, together constituting "The International NGO Council on Violence against Children", published a comprehensive report entitled: "Violating children’s rights: harmful practices based on tradition, culture, religion or superstition".

    The 9 NGOs were 1) Human Rights Watch, 2) Global Initiative to End all Corporal Punishment of Children, 3) Defence for Children International, 4) World Vision International, 5) Plan International, 6) Save the Children, 7) ECPAT International, World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and 9) Child Rights International Network (CRIN). The International NGO Council works closely with the Special Representative to the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children.

    The report lists an extensive series of violations of children's rights, including, but not limited to, acid violence, breast flattening, child marriage, corporal punishment, eyelid incisions, female genital mutilation, forced feeding, initiation rites, rape, sex assignment of intersex children, teeth extraction, uvula cutting, and a number of other serious violations, including:

    On page 22 of the report, non-consensual, non-therapeutic male circumcision before age 18 years is described unequivocally as a harmful practice that, whatever the circumstances, constitutes a gross violation of boys' rights to protection and bodily integrity."

    Bonsoir Julie,

    cet état de fait a souvent été rapporté.

    Loin de moi de prétendre que la circoncision affecte toujours la sexualité, mais il est un fait: elle réduit, par l'absence du prépuce, le méchanisme de roulement que procure le prépuce contre la parroi du vagin et ce qui reste, c'est du frottement explicite, au lieu d'un frottement/massage. L'absence de prépuce à un autre effet. La corolle du gland fait alors effet de raclette et extrait à chaque mouvement un peu de lubrifiant du vagin. De plus, le gland qui s'est forcément assèché devient légèrement (chez certains fortement) rèche, ce qui accroît le frottement.

    Pouvez-vous observer que les aller et venues sont plus longues, plus rapides et peut-être plus "brutales" qu'avant?. C'est souvent le cas chez les hommes circoncis, puisque pour arriver au même ressenti, ils doivent en faire forcément plus. Pas tous, mais certains.

    Je ne peux pas vous redonner espoir, malheureusement.

    Afin de cerner de problème, avez-vous essayé des préservatifs. Ceci vous donnera la comparaison avec votre partenaire précédent. Si alors tout est pareil, il ne reste que la conclusion ci-dessus.

    elle me suggère de laisser faire le temps et d'essayer de ne pas trop y penser.

    C'est sympa de sa part. Ne vous a-t-elle pas demandé d'ête spontannée, non plus?
    remarque, en y pensant pas, les douleurs vont peut-être disparaître.
    Excusez-moi pour l'ironie, mais elle aurait mieux fait de garde cette réflexion pour elle.

    Voyez également l'étude de Morten Frisch.

    interessant :


    Maren Lambrecht, a COE official, confirmed to the Post that it is procedurally impossible to cancel a previously passed resolution but indicated that a special panel will examine the topic next week and that several medical experts and religious leaders. While there will not be a formal decision taken at the end of this meeting, she said, the discussion is necessary due to the “harsh international debate” engendered by the 2013 resolution, among other reasons.


    Imagine an infant girl placed onto a cold, hospital table specifically designed to restrain her small body. She is naked. Her flailing arms and legs are strapped down. A medical professional places a sharp tool to the girl’s genitals and prepares to cut off her labia or clitoris. The practice is said to keep her vulva clean and reduce the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The tissue is cut. The infant girl’s face contorts with pain. Blood. Shrill screams pierce the room. She is given sugar water in an attempt to pacify. Later, parents are provided careful instructions as to how to care for the wound. They are told their daughter won’t remember the event. They are told that no harm was done. Following the procedure, hospitals sell the discarded tissue for profit commercially. Imagine that this occurs every 30 seconds in America.

    Now, imagine that the baby is a boy.

    Excellent !



    In my undergraduate studies in psychology I became very close with one of my mentors, now my closest and most trusted friend. Ours was, and still is, a relationship where we’re safe to discuss childhood experiences, and feelings of vulnerability, grief, and loss. It was during one of these talks that I brought up my feelings of circumcision. I explained how I was privately grieving my loss, and how this violent act was done to me without my consent. I experienced it as a form of rape. She listened closely as I talked about these feelings of powerlessness when I started to go into what I can only call a state of shock. I know that I stopped talking. I remember her asking: “Rick, what are you feeling now?” I went pale and started shaking. She said she could see the terror in my eyes. “I don’t know what’s happening,” I told her. ”I don’t’ have words for this. My hips hurt, like they’re being crushed, and my elbows ache, throbbing with my heartbeat, and my groin…it’s….burning. Stinging.” My heart was racing. I felt dizzy. I wanted to run away, but felt as if I couldn’t move. I was re-experiencing some trauma, an old trauma–a memory of something, my circumcision? We were discussing my feelings of loss and powerlessness when this started. We talked about what we had just witnessed and I decided to learn more about it. I was grateful that my friend was with me.…igious_practice_1_3174666


    “It’s not something that is spoken about in public often, but it can be damaging, can leave people psychologically scarred and has led to huge problems with some people’s sex lives,” says David Smith, general manager at Norm-UK, a charity providing help to those suffering difficulties because of their circumcision.


    “We have thousands of requests from men who have come to us wanting help.
    “They complain about loss of sensitivity, erectile dysfunction, soreness and psychological trauma.

    Étonnant, on croyait que ça n'existait pas, les circoncis malheureux...

    En passant, on nous donne les chiffres des circoncisions néonatales.