Photo après circoncision : outils et prépuce coupé...

  • Photo prise par une infirmière, qui montre les outils après circoncision et même le prépuce fraîchement coupé...

    [Blocked Image:…2672_806849474_n+copy.jpg]


    "I had a bad day at work - lots of stupid circumcision related bullshit, so in a fit of rage I thought you might be able to use a verifiably real photo I took recently after circumcision. The baby screamed the whole time, in spite of a dorsal penile block. His foreskin is on the sterile field to the right in this photograph. The red on the tools and gauze is blood. I was sitting in the room next to the nursery charting. [The father], after reading his bible today, wanted to wait until the baby was 8 days old. The bible apparently never told him to marry the baby's mother though... I know I will be savaged for not throwing myself over the baby. People don't understand how unproductive that would be as a nurse. Everyone would think I was just some psycho.

    I don't participate in circumcision surgery. I just work in the OB department. I know they're going on, but I don't take part. And every once in a while I influence a parent to not do it. Many [colleagues] have said they wouldn't circumcise their own boys if they had it to do all over again. Hopefully my next workday will be better.

    The good news is that more and more parents are choosing to [keep their sons intact] than ever before. They really are! Use the picture to gently educate."

    Lien vers l'article :…-tools-and-discarded.html

  • Exactement OCP66C4 l’intégrité génitale n'est pas un droit féminin , c'est un droit HUMAIN , je ne comprend vraiment pas comment ces " chie - rurgien " peuvent encore dormir la nuit paisiblement , en se racontant des bobards sans doute ! :thumbdown:

    Le seul risque qu’il y’a quand tu a ton prépuce , c’est de le perdre.

  • dégueulasse sa me donne envie d'aller dans la clinique ou on m'a fait subir sa et de donner quelques claques , je pense qu'ils le meriterais emplement mais bien sur c'est moi qui trinquerais devant la loi pour " violence " alors que eux mutile en toute impunité ! :cursing:

    Le seul risque qu’il y’a quand tu a ton prépuce , c’est de le perdre.